
Businesses & Individuals

We are honored and grateful for the wide range of support we receive from organizations, businesses and individuals throughout the Bloomington-Normal area.  A number of our supporters and sponsors have been with us since the festival's inception in 2009.  We are pleased to report, however, that our list of sponsors continues to grow annually.  Below are some of our key supporters.  See the full list of our supports and sponsors.

Our Generous Underwriters

2016 Fox and Hounds Logo W.jpg
2017 DBA FM color logo (002) W.jpg
2018 Mid State Cruisers Word Logo W.jpg
SOI Bicentennial Logo 4C rgb.png

Our Media Partners

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Pantagraph W.jpg
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Prairie Signs Logo W.jpg
B104_Logo (003) W.jpg
lamar-advertising (002) W.jpg
Nash Icon Radio Logo W.jpg